- Current Members -

Azure -Wandering Ghostmaker - Active!

Lord Saban - Dread Lord of [Del] - Active!

Cagliosto - Redemption - Active!

Nicol Bolas - Man0waR - Acitve!

Jagor - Stealer of Candy - A.w.o.l.

Siren - If Looks could Kill - (Blue Via Factoin Reprive)

Balinor - Death & Taxes - (Blue Via Factoin Reprive)

Strada the Black - OSI Counselor - (Blue Via Factoin Reprive)

Jerusalem Man - Death is a Release - (Blue Via Factoin Reprive)

Lady Diablo - Lady Highwayman - (Blue Via Factoin Reprive)

Wanna Join Team Red?? - Membership is by invitation only, having an existing Del or DDi Charcter does not guarantee you acceptence onto the team red project, death as a PK = Statloss, so we are very careful with whom we entrust the lives of our stat-loss-reds. For more info, contact me over icq - HH

- The Dead, The Red & The Deleted -

Blaster Bates - Neutron Bomber

ApocalpsE - MDK PK!

Jimmy Fingers - ManOwaR

Pheonix - Bad Girl

bob - GM Miner.. Killer!

Fever - Lust for Blood!

Draganta - Straight from Hell

Jhorus - Cheeky ImP

X reaver X - All men Die

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